Nov 21, 2006

Emotional intelligence- An introduction

Emotional intelligence- An introduction

Ladies and gentlemen..

I will start with a study on marriage success in US. In 1890 , Divorce rate was 10%, 1920 it grew to 18%, In 1950 it was 30%, whereas in 1970s it grew to 50% and in 90s it was around 67%. Can you estimate what will be the rate for 2010? Estimate is 3% of marriage will survive.

What does a management talk has to do with marriage success rates? There cant be any direct relationship naturally. Welcome to a short discussion topic of emotional intelligence.

Do there is a relationship of Money or academic intelligence with the success of that person? Can IQ, ranks and grades, riches do predicts a persons success in life? Answer is a bigger NO

There are a set of other characteristics like

  1. Ability to motivate oneself and persist at the time of frustrations
  2. To control impulse and delay gratification
  3. Regulate ones moods
  4. Keep distress from swamping the ability to think
  5. To empathize and to hope.

I can’t tell how much the variations of the characteristic depend on person to person depends on his success or failures, but it’s real and more powerful than IQ. We are talking about Emotional Intelligence.

What are the costs of emotional illiteracy?

  1. Withdrawal or social problems
  2. Anxious and depressed
  3. Attention and thinking problems
  4. Delinquent and aggressive.

For solving this, we need some type of measures like

  1. Emotional self awareness
    1. Improvements in recognizing and naming own emotions
    2. Better understanding the cause of feelings
    3. Recognize the difference between feelings and action
  2. Managing emotions
  3. Harnessing emotional productivity
  4. Empathy: reading emotions
  5. Handling relationships

I hope this introduction on EI will help you think back on the spectrum of EI when we are under stress. I stop this presentation by asking to rate yourself whether you’re a illiterate or a scholar in EI.

Thank you,

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